For the past 200 years or so, the American people have elected presidents who were mostly
And they have done a pretty good job...
of raising the national debt to nearly $10,000,000,000...
of leading us into wars that have cost us countless lives and billions of dollars...
of ignoring the most fragile and needy people in our society...
of turning a blind eye to humanitarian crises throughout the world...unless of course they could potentially impact our oil imports...
of creating a culture of apathy in the American people.
In 2008, vote for the one candidate whose only motivation for running is that she is finally old enough.
In 2008, vote
Birthday Party
IN 2008.
Now, you may be asking yourself, "Why should I vote for a political neophyte who has turned 35 just today?"
Well, you've just answered your own question, my friend.
Sheryl has absolutely no political experience. She doesn't know the first thing about the deal making and underhanded maneuvering that goes on in Washington DC, state capitols, and city halls all over the country. She wouldn't know the first thing about how to exchange kickbacks in return for sponsoring legislation. Political perks? Heck, she doesn't even like to fly!
(Though if someone wanted to give her a birthday gift of a free trip to North Dakota, she wouldn't object.)
No, Sheryl's platform can be summed up in one sentence:
Let's do what makes sense for a change, OK?
Instead of giving cash assistance to welfare recipients to spend on frivolous items, let's give the money to the nation's farmers and small business owners. We'll buy the food they produce, set up community stores, and allow the poor to come in and "shop" for for free in exchange for sweat equity working in the store or another community organization. We can stimulate the economy, make a difference in our communities, and give the poor some dignity and some job training in the process.
Instead of giving the elderly confusing and stupid prescription drug coverage options, let's find one option that actually works, actually covers prescriptions all the time, and respects physicians opinions instead of the bottom line of insurance companies.
Instead of spending a billion dollars a week on a "war" we will never win and problems we will never solve for a country half a world away, let's invest that money in finding and implementing alternative energy sources.
We will encourage community organizations (religious or not) in their efforts to make their cities, towns, and neighborhoods better places.
We'll take advantage of the tremendous resource we have in the newly retired to improve education in our public schools.
We'll give tax cuts to the people who really need them instead of the people who would barely notice them.
Want to know more?
Check back here every Saturday for campaign updates.
Want to support the campaign?
Well, you can't.
Sheryl doesn't want to spend money on tacky TV ads, billboards, or yard signs that will just end up getting blown away or taking up space in landfills.
Instead, you can support this campaign by making a $20.08 donation to the charity of your choice (or a $2008 donation if you are independently wealthy...unlike the candidate herself).
Need some suggestions? Check out the links below...
Have a favorite you don't see here? Leave me a comment and I'll include it next week.
Please share this website with your friends. I may not become the next president, but we the people can make a difference in our country and our world if we all make an effort.
Coming next week: A campaign poster, and ways you can give your time and talents instead of your treasure.
You can count on my vote, Sheryl--finally, a third party alternative I can get behind! Can't wait to hear more about your platform.
Happy birthday, friend!
I would offer to be your running mate (or at least, ask you to consider me for it) but there's this incident with some jello wrestling from my college days and I'm not sure my children want to go through the public scrutiny!
That's unfortunate, TG. A background in jello wrestling is just the kind of thing I am looking for in a running mate.
Oh, well. Maybe I can appoint you to a cabinet position instead. Do you have a preference?
Secretary of Something That Lets Me Get Home in Time to Eat Dinner with my Kids. Nothing that involves war, deals with preventing mass epidemics of avian flu, or requires me to color my grey! But I don't mind public speaking!
I have to tell you that when I first read your last line, I thpught it said public spanking.
I guess I'm still a little sick. In the literal sense, I mean...
Sigh. I guess I better quit while I'm not hopelessly behind.
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